Mizan Tepi University has provided three grain mills for the associations of three woredas at Bench-sheko zone; including Nefsadine Elderly Association of Shebench Woreda; Shebela Elderly Association in Gurafarda Woreda; and “Kite” and Surrounding Unity Association in South Bench Woreda, according to Dr. Abiyot Asres, Vice President of the University Research and Community Service. The Vice President said one of the activities of the university in the field of community service is to support the community members who are facing severe economic and social problems. He added the members of the elders associations in these woredas have previously served their country in various fields but are now in need of support. Thus, Mizan Tepi University has studied their problems and handed over 3 grain mills of 24 horsepower to the associations. It is also learned that in the coming days, some efforts will be undertaken in 3 woredas to support the utilization of the mills for the desired purpose. On behalf of the association of the Elderly associations, representatives, on their part, thanked Mizan-Tepi University for recognizing their insistent problems and for resolving their years of problems.

light of the green Valley!
Mizan-Tepi University